Currently running projects
In contrast to general purpose microprocessors, ASIP and multi-core ASIP give much higher performance, lower power, and lower silicon costs because of the optimized application specific instruction set and microarchitecture for an application domain.
ASIP research is a challenging area. The required knowledge for ASIP research is broad, ranging from applications, architecture selection, code compiling, parallel programming, microarchitecture, down to silicon fabrication.
Brief description of current running projects
High Performance Embedded Computing
(Dake, Jian, Joar, Andreas K, Andreas E) To design a parallel DSP processor platform for markets in 2020
embedded Parallel DSP platform with Unique Memory Access
(Dake, Jian, Joar, Andreas K, Andreas E) To design a parallel DSP processor platform for markets in 2020
ASIC-FPGA co-design
(Andreas E. and Dake) To establish methods for ASIP and FPGA co-design and support FPGA fast prototyping of ASIC design
Page responsible: Anders Nilsson
Last updated: 2014-12-12