Voice: ASIP Instruction-set for VoIP gateway
The project was self financed by the division of Computer Engineering.Summary
In a VoIP gateway, multiple channels of different kinds of voice codecs shall be processed in parallel. To reach low power and low memory cost, accelerated solution on instruction level is essential.
The project was conducted during 2000-2003.
Mikael Olausson, Andreas Ehliar, Johan Eilert, and Dake Liu Reduced floating point for MPEG1/2 Layer III decoding Proc of the Int'l conference on acoustics, speech and signal processing (ICASSP), Montreal, Canada, May 2004
Mikael Olausson and Dake Liu The ADSP-21535 Blackfin and speech coding Proc of the Swedish System-on-chip conference (SSoCC), Eskilstuna, Sweden, Apr 2003
Mikael Olausson and Dake Liu Instruction and Hardware Acceleration for MP-MLQ in G.723.1 Proceedings of 2002 Workshop on Signal Processing Systems, San Diego, USA, Oct 2002
Mikael Olausson and Dake Liu Instruction and Hardware Acceleration in G 723.1 (6.3/5.3) and G 729 Proc of the IEEE Int'l symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT), Cairo, Egypt, Dec 2001
Page responsible: Anders Nilsson
Last updated: 2013-09-16