MediaDSP: Master-SIMD media DSP Processor
The project is financed by Stringent SSF: Swedish foundation for strategic research )Summary
It is the pre-study project for ePUMA.
The main goal
The main goal is to identify programmable (instruction level) function accelerations for 2D computing and 2D data acceasses.
Publications (WP)
Di Wu, Yi-Hsien Li, Johan Eilert, Dake Liu Real-Time Space-Time Adaptive Processing on the STI CELL Multiprocessor 4th European Radar Conference, Munich, Germany, September 2007
Di Wu, Tiejun Hu, and Dake Liu A Single Scalar DSP based Programmable H.264 Decoder Proc of the Swedish System-on-Chip Conference (SSoCC), Tammsvik, Sweden, Apr 2005
Oskar Flordal, Di Wu, and Dake Liu Accelerating CABAC Encoding for Multi-standard Media with Configurability Proceeding of IEEE IPDPS06 (Reconfigurable Architectures Workshop (RAW)), Rhodos, Greece, Apr 2006
Page responsible: Anders Nilsson
Last updated: 2013-09-16